My Christmas Traditions

   Ahhh Christmas traditions. I didn’t have any growing up. As a child my family and I moved around waaay too much for something so normal. Now that I’m an adult with a family of my own and stability I feel like I need to force some traditions on my kids. Like I wish I had.

   For Christmas we have a few fun and not so fun traditions. Ya see, every year I gather all of the food and the menu for Christmas dinner and have everyone come in the kitchen to help prepare at least one of the dishes. And every year I end up screaming at everyone to get the hell out of my kitchen and stop sabotaging my wonderful meal. That’s the not so fun tradition and well I haven’t learned my lesson because it keeps happening and I should just ban everyone from dinner duties… like forever!

   On to the fun stuff! Every year I get a Ginger bread house making kit. Yes, unlike other moms who bake the Ginger bread from scratch and the homemade icing and blah, blah, blah ain’t nobody got time for that. So as I was saying, I buy the kit and we sit and build the house together and after about 5 minutes of “OOhhhhh” and “Aaaahhh” I let the kids get a sugar high from devouring the house.

   But, my all time favorite tradition is on Christmas eve night we all pile up in the living room with our blankets and pillows. Hot cocoa and sugar cookies in hand as we watch The Polar Express in the dark! Once it’s over we all laugh and talk about the movie like it was our first time watching it. Then we go online and check the Santa Tracker to see where he’s at! After that we all try our best to wind down and go to bed as quietly as we can and wait to hear sleigh bells.

    We’ve done all of those things for as long as I can remember but our newest tradition one that means the absolute most… My Christmas baby turns 3 this year. For her first birthday we spent the morning and part of the afternoon opening gifts and celebrating Christmas. Later on in the day we decorated the house for her birthday and had her party complete with gifts in birthday wrapping paper. I refuse for her to feel shorted just because she was born on a holiday.

See more 'Holiday Tradition' fun from the Blogmas bloggers!


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