It's Time for Blogmas 2016

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving and now that it’s over it is officially Christmas season!!! My absolute favorite time of the year!! It also means it’s time for Blogmas!!! For the last few years I’ve taken part in some sort of holiday theme with other bloggers and this year is no different. Monday is the start of 12 Days of Blogmas. If you’re new around here I’ll explain.

    For 12 days, 12 bloggers give you 12 holiday topics. We cover all kinds of fun things like DIY, recipes and more!! It’s a lot of fun, but the best part…. We also have a HUGE giveaway!!! It starts on Monday and we will announce the winner on the last day of Blogmas!!! What better way to spread some holiday cheer?!?!?
Here are all the topics for each day…

   Here are all of the amazing bloggers (myself included) that are participating this year. We all cover different topics and are a pretty well rounded group of babes and we would love it if you could take the time and stop by everyone’s blogs to get awesome holiday inspiration.

Alyssa from Babies, Bloodhounds and Booze | Jules from One Ruud Mom | MK from Urban Housewife Adventures | Samantha from My Legendary Style | Denise from StL Motherhood | Joanna from Motherhood and Merlot | Phyllis from Verified Mom | Katie from Views From A Step Stool | Dean from Mrs. AOK - A Work In Progress | Julie from Girl on the Move | Theresa from Dear Creatives | Jill from Ripped Jeans & Bifocals

   Ok now back to the giveaway I know you’re super interested in that am I right?! You’ll get all of the juicy details on Monday November 28th but for now I can tell you that it’s BIG! There’s over $800 in prizes AND $150 in PayPal cash all for 1 lucky winner!!! Can I get a WOOP WOO!!!!!??? I’m really excited in case you couldn’t tell LOL!

Be sure to come back by on Monday November 28th for your chance to win.

 Happy Holidays!!!



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