Korean Skincare Products Review

   I’ve been kind of obsessed with skin care over the last few months. Don’t get me wrong I know the importance of taking care of my skin but it’s become even more of a priority to me once I started getting weird unexplainable breakouts. Which by the way are not cute or fun!
   Anyway, a while back I did a “Get unready with me” video on my YouTube channel. I showed how I remove my makeup and cleaned my face after caking it all on for a separate tutorial.

   I just like everyone else in the world like to watch reviews and I buy a lot of things based on other people. Isn’t that the reason for reviews and unboxings?? Anyway, I came across a few videos of people using Korean skin care products. I was a little leery for all of 3 seconds then I hoped my butt on Amazon and got to ordering.

   I ordered 2 things. Hell Pore Clean Up mask and a CarbonatedBubble Clay mask. Together I think I paid less than $20 for them together. The first thing I did was have a friend over for a girls’ night and we tried out both masks… in our PJs…. On Snapchat (mylegendarystyl)! Most of my antics take place over there.

   I was mostly afraid to try the Hell Pore mask (the name alone is scary as hell) because it’s a peel and I’ve seen it bring grown women to tears. It goes on nice and cool. I did a pretty thing application because I figured the thicker it is the more painful it would be to peel off… I was right. The only problem was it was so thin it was hard to grip and peel off. The second time I tried it a few weeks later I did it a lot thicker and it peeled off almost in one whole piece. And guess what?!?! It didn’t hurt at all! Now I’m not saying it won’t hurt you or anyone else I just think some people have sensitive skin and most women do have those little almost invisible hairs on their faces. So there’s that. My face feels so smooth and a little bit tight (but in a good way) after each use. It’s not drying and feels amazing.

   The Carbonated Bubble mask is my favorite. My skin feels tighter than with the other mask and even has a fresher appearance after I use it. The only thing I can do without is all of the bubbling. It feels a little creepy but not as bad as other bubble masks I’ve tried.

   Overall these are both my new go tos when I need a good deep cleaning each week. If you want something affordable and fun definitely try these. I'm also thinking about making a video on how to use these masks. What's the strangest skincare item you've ever purchased? Leave a comment below! I'd love to try more of these!


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