Happy New Year #2017

   I used to think that Christmas was my favorite day of the year. It probably was at some point but today as I spent hours playing with my kids, cleaning the house, setting off fireworks and having a few drinks I soon realized that today… new year’s eve is my favorite day of the year.

   I think it has something to do with feeling like I am in complete control of my life. I feel like anything and everything is possible. I can leave the old year behind me and look forward to a promising year ahead.

   2016 was not a really good year for me… let’s face it, 2016 wasn’t a good year for many people. However, after a lot of thought I realized I wasn’t being completely fair. It may have been a year of bad events but the good outweighed the bad. I have had so many good things happen to me, a few great people come into my life and the best thing of all is I survived every single awful thing that came my way. If anything I’m stronger for it.

   The last thing I want to do is drag any baggage from last year into my nice, shiny, new year. So at midnight I’m writing a list if everything I need to let go of. Fears, bad moments and sad memories and I’m going to burn that list and not think of those things ever again. It may be easier said than done but it’s time to move on and look ahead to better things to come.

Happy New Year,

Make it a good one.


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