My Holiday Bucket List 2016

   I really hope you are as excited about 12 Days of Blogmas and the awesome giveaway as I am!! If you haven’t entered yet you can enter here and catch up on day 1! Today it’s all about our holiday bucket lists! I try to make the most out of the holidays by trying new things but I also have a few family traditions that I like to stick to. My list isn’t incredibly long but it’s all of the things I usually do with my family as well as some new things I’d like to try.

Build a gingerbread house with my kids. They love to eat it more than they love to build it.
Buy much needed winter clothes. Let’s face it I live in Florida so that just means sweaters, jeans and boots.

Another real Floridian thing to do would be to go to the beach. I haven’t gone during the holidays but as of right now weather has been in the 80s so it’s very doable.

What’s holiday season without fresh baked cookies?!?!
One of my favorite things to do during the winter months (and just about all of the rest of the year) is to wear red lipstick. I’ll be doing that… a lot!

A little known fact about me is I love to crochet and I’m not bad at all (me tooting my own horn) so I’ll be gifting all of my friends and family with someone handmade from the heart.

There are a lot of little Christmas towns popping up everywhere. There are 2 pretty close to my house so I plan on packing up the family and going for a visit. One of the locations is at the fairgrounds. It’s a mile drive through a ton of Christmas lights and at the end you can take pictures with Santa and take a horse drawn carriage ride!
This next one is something new I’m really excited about… I want to have a nice sit down dinner with my closest friends and just enjoy time with them during this crazy season. Everyone is so busy this time of year we have to remember to take time for our friends as well as family.

Last but not least… the one thing that is always on my holiday bucket list is my all-time favorite…. Every Christmas eve my kids and I bake cookies for Santa (and ourselves), make a ton of hot chocolate and watch the Polar Express in our pjs and then go to bed and wait for Santa!!!

    What are some things on your holiday bucket list? Leave me a comment letting me know then stop by and see what the other Blogmas bloggers have on their lists.

The Blogmas Blogger's Holiday Bucket Lists
Mrs. Aok A Work in Progress
Girl On The Move
STL Motherhood
One Rudd Mom
Verified Mom
Dear Creatives
Urban Housewife Adventures
Views From A Step Stool
Motherhood and Merlot


  1. I wish I could crochet!! I think we'll take a trip to the beach this holiday, although the beach here isn't anything like the beach in South Carolina. I'm quite sure it'll be really cold, but pretty. :)


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