Do What You Love #MondayMotivation

   For years I’ve been head over heels in love. In love with fashion and makeup. I’ve often done makeovers on my friends and family Clueless style because it was fun. It’s always been fun. I went to school for cosmetology where I learned everything beauty related not specializing in one thing. Years later I went to school for fashion. I say all of that to say… I know what I’m doing. I just didn’t exactly know the why. In the beginning I just felt like it was a great industry to get into and hey the money isn’t half bad. I ended up going to work in other industries and doing makeup on the side while still developing my clothing line.  
   After a while of working thankless jobs in industries that did not interest me at all I went back to what I knew best. Makeup. After some soul searching I figured out the why in why I want to be in the beauty industry. It’s the same reason I became a designer. I want to help women look and feel their best. I want to help them build their confidence. I want them to feel pampered even if only for a little while. In the past week at work I’ve done makeup for teenage girls going to homecoming, a soon to be bride for her engagement photoshoot, a pregnant mother on her way to her baby shower and many more women that just want to look and feel good about themselves. One of my favorite moments of the week was an older woman that came in and just wanted a new look but still wanted to look like herself. Once I was done with her she looked in the mirror, touched her face and said “I look beautiful”.  Really I guess what I’m saying is this… We all have a gift we can be sharing with the world. If we share it maybe, just maybe the world could be a better place.


  1. I love this so much! So true. Doing what you love is so important.

  2. That is amazing that you have found what you truly love to do.. and you are an extremely talented makeup artist (& clothing designer) so you have definitely found your calling!


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