My Summer Bucket List (that didn't happen) 2016

   This was supposed to be a completely different kind of post. This was meant to be a summer bucket list 2016 but instead I’m giving you my summer bucket list that didn’t happen 2016 and I’ll tell you why. Summer started and we decided to move. Finding a house in Florida is not that easy (in my opinion). So it took a lot of my time. So my days were mostly spent house hunting, packing, moving, unpacking, creating content for YouTube and basically running around like a mad woman. So as the weeks have gone by my list was getting ignored. While I know summer is not officially over I have given up on the summer part of this list and will just find time to do each when I can get to them. So here it is my summer bucket list that didn’t happen 2016.

Learn Italian – This is something I’ve been working on since last summer. I pick it up from time to time and test myself with certain phone apps. I was mainly hoping to dedicate time each day to lessons and see how far I could get by the end of summer. At this point I mainly know greetings and how to order at a restaurant.

Go to Weeki Wachee Springs – We do the beach every summer but due to it being hurricane season we only go a few times. When I discovered Weeki Wachee Springs I knew we had to go! It’s a state park here in Florida about 45 mins from Tampa. They’re known mostly for their mermaid shows! Who doesn't love mermaids?!

Design something – I haven’t really taken much time to sit down and design any new clothes for my line. I can do this any time but I haven’t been struck by inspiration in a long time. I think I just need to sit still and find it. That will be a blog post for a different day.

Work on my web sites – Can you say time consuming?!?!? I don’t plan on doing a full over haul but some changes here and there will be nice.

Get a bright mani pedi -  Because what’s summer without bright nails on your fingers and toes!

Lay on the beach – During the whole time we were in the process of moving the beach was all I could think about. Now that we’re all settled in there hasn’t been a day without rain yet.

Yoga – This is still one of my big things to do really soon. I want to learn yoga so bad. It does amazing things for the mind, body and spirit and I need all of that right about now.

Learn to braid my own hair – I don’t just mean single braids. I can do those like a pro. I want to learn to French braid my own hair. It is so much easier on other people but the struggle is real when it comes to doing it on me.

Hula hooping – So I came across this lady on YouTube and she is freaking amazing! She teaches how to work out with a hula hoop and she does and awesome freestyle dance to Justin Beiber’s love yourself. Working out gets really boring so I figured this might be a fun work out to do once or twice a week when I get tired of everything else.

   So that’s pretty much it for my summer bucket list that didn’t happen 2016. I know it wasn’t super exciting but they were mainly personal goals and things I enjoy. Summer wasn’t all bad though we have a beautiful new home, I got to binge watch season 2 of Jane the Virgin, I went to see Bad Moms with a HUGE group of moms and catch up on some reading.

How was your summer? Tell me down in the comments what you did and make me super jealous.

Ocean Photo via Visual Hunt


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