Review: Yoderm, see a dermatologist from home

   I received this service for free in exchange for my honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

   Healthy skin is something that is very important to a lot of people. Myself included. Going to a Dermatologist may not be an option for a lot of reasons. They can be pretty expensive, not everyone has insurance and not all insurance companies cover a trip to the Dermatologist. So what’s a girl to do?! About a month ago I was contacted by the awesome people at Yoderm to check out their site. I was a little skeptical but I want to make sure that I am giving you all the information you deserve so I decided to give them a try.

   Yoderm is super easy and you get help for your acne in hardly any time at all. The best part? You don’t even have to leave your house!

   Your first step is to pay the $59 fee which is pretty reasonable since going to an actual office can cost almost double! Next a dermatologist is selected for you or you can choose your own. Complete your registration and fill out your profile so your new doctor can get to know more about you. You’ll be asked questions about your skin type, weight, status of your health and finish up by entering in your insurance information (if you have any). Honestly, it’s a lot less time consuming then I thought it would be. Ok, now your dermatologist has to see you right?

   So you’ll upload 3 photos of yourself, your right and left profile and face forward. After you upload your photos you’ll choose your local pharmacy and wait up to 24 hours for a response from your doctor.

   I kid you not it literally took exactly 24 hours for me to hear back from Dr. Kober. She gave me a personalized treatment plan and sent 2 prescriptions to my local pharmacy. Along with the prescriptions she also gave me an over the counter treatment plan.

   I found the whole process fun and easy. It can take a long time to get in to see a Dermatologist and it can cost a lot of money. Yoderm is an affordable convenient way to get the treatment you need to have clear skin. I highly recommend Yoderm if you are looking for an easy and discreet way to treat your acne. We all deserve to have skin we can be comfortable in.


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